

“My fitness journey started a few years back when I was at my heaviest and I was finally ready to do something about my health. Like most, I joined a 24 hour gym and watched YouTube videos as motivation. I didn’t have any goals except to lose weight and I ended up quitting the gym after a few months due to being disappointed about my results or lack thereof. Meeting Brooke changed the game for me. She taught me how to stay motivated by being goal oriented vs pining after ridiculous numbers on the scale. She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to building both a healthy mindset and body. Not only did Brooke help build my confidence but she is also very dedicated. When I had a knee injury and had to be in physical therapy, she adapted our sessions to accommodate my limitations. She researched my injury and worked alongside my physical therapist to help me stay on track with my goals. This girl will go above and beyond for her clients and I’m so grateful to get to call her my trainer.”