

I started my fitness journey with Brooke just before Thanksgiving. I am a naturally thin person but I knew that I was living an unhealthy lifestyle. I hated going to the gym because I felt lost. I had no idea where to start or how to use the equipment. I was unable to run a mile, lift much weight, and was eating out almost every day. I met with Brooke where she took my measurements, introduced me to some exercises, and set me up with a nutrition plan that I could track on my phone.

Each week she would send me new workouts that I would complete in my gym. She made sure that I was accountable for going by sending her pictures or snapchats during my gym time and of my meal prep. The workouts are always laid out in muscle groups and are aligned to meet my fitness goals. My favorite part is the cardio circuits she sets up at the end of the workouts; I always feel like I’m getting more out of my cardio sessions than I would just running on a treadmill. Plus, running sucks.

Through her nutrition plan I am still able to eat foods that enjoy and drink a beer on the weekends while staying healthy. She laid out when I should eat throughout the day and what nutrients should be included in each meal. It was easy to understand and easy for me to implement in my daily routine. She has great suggestions for meals to cook when I feel like I am stuck in a rut or craving extra sugar. She gives me feedback on ways to adjust my meals when I am struggling to reach my goals.

Since I have started working with Brooke I have learned to love working out. Her plans gave me guidance at the gym. When I walk in and complete her workouts it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something in my day. She made it so that I feel comfortable at the gym. I now know how to use the equipment and how to complete a workout that will provide me the most growth. An added plus is that working out had also helped improve my mental health a lot. She’s always positive and encouraging, even when I tell her I ate a box of Girl Scout cookies instead of going to the gym. She knows there are going to be days or weeks when you struggle but she’s there to push you forward, offer some encouragement, and get you back on track.”